Sarah Meredith

Medical Intuitive Healer

Alternative Health Care

Jessica Meredith

Medical Intuitive Healer

Alternative Health Care


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Hours by Appointment

9:00AM TO 4:00PM EST


“After the pain in my head left, I was scared!
I could actually ‘see’ inside things
and know things I shouldn’t!”

What happened to me is typical for a Medical Intuitive. Forty plus years ago I was stopped in the left hand turn lane for a red light. I glanced up just as the car behind struck my pickup. The police said the teenager was going approximately 50 m.p.h. at impact. He told them that he thought he could beat the light. He just didn’t see me.

My head flew forward into the windshield then snapped back into the rear window. The truck went up, came down and was struck again my head slammed into the side window. From the blows to my head, I suffered a contrecoup injury. That term simply means a traumatic, wide- spread injury to the brain being bruised due to a blow to the head. As a result, I began to know and understand things I’d not studied or been told.

“Unknowingly, overnight,
I had become a Medical Intuitive.”

I was scared! I could actually see inside solid objects including people and I knew things a normal person couldn’t, shouldn’t know. I’d had no exposure to the metaphysical, new age world or quantum physics.

The crash also caused headaches, severe pain and muscle spasms in my upper back, shoulders and both arms. As my early training was in chiropractic care, I stayed with my parents so that my father, a chiropractor could treatment me.

When I told my father I was hearing and knowing things and seeing inside solid objects. . .including inside the body of one of the women in this waiting room). . .instead of afraid, he looked thrilled. Excited, he told me that he’d heard about what I was describing. He’d read about two men who had abilities similar to mine: Edgar Cayce and Peter Hurkos. (This happened before the existence of the internet.)

Edgar Cayce was a psychic who diagnosed and healed. Pe- ter Hurkos was a carpenter who became psychic when he fell from a ladder. Hitting his head, he entered a four day coma and awaken a psychic.

Before then I don’t think I’d ever heard the word psychic. I found more about Cayce and Hurkos and their abilities in out-of- print books. Comparing their experiences to mine, I realized that I wasn’t crazy. I was actually “seeing” inside bodies and things.

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The injury was 48 years ago. The first time I saw inside a body was the woman in his waiting room. I realized that I automati- cally knew what happened to cause her to be in pain and what he could do to help her.

Her injury opened me to my current occupation as a Medical Intuitive. Within seconds of hearing or reading of a person’s symp- tom or problem I understand their situation and know how they can recover. Most of the time I also know exactly what caused the symptom in the first place and why it was not healing.

It was difficult for me to explain what I was seeing. I knew the fault was mine. At the time of the crash my life was simple. I was a working, owner-operator of a local bookstore with two children. I didn’t need to know how the body worked. Whatever I’d learned in chiropractic college about the body, specifically physiology was long forgotten.

My Medical Intuitive abilities go
beyond knowing the cause.
I know what to do to fix it.

With the collision and my new ability, I wanted to relearn the name and function of the various organs, glands, etc. I still believed in the power of the body to heal itself if given the right ingredients. so I studied and became an alternative health care practitioner and clinical nutritionist.

Now I’m able to explain not only the cause of a symptom, I know how to turn it off. I combine my medical intuitive abilities with alternative health care and provide a holistic health care approach.

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In 1997, it appeared that my methods were not as effective as I’d thought. I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia - a disease which medicine described as having no known cure.

Fully disabled and bedridden I decided not to believe the doctors that there was no cure. Instead, I decided to be the one to find it. I reasoned that medical researchers and alternative medicine researchers had been researching for over 90 years and failed to find a cure, they must be looking in the wrong place.

This thinking eventually led to an investigation of Dr. Phineas Parkhurst Quimby (1802-1866) and his miracle cures. Combining Dr. Quimby’s discoveries with my own, I learned what to do. Four session hours after I knew what to do I no longer had Fibromyalgia.

Hundred’s of newspaper articles and letters praised Dr. Quimby’s method of treatment. Copies of these articles were donated to The Library of Congress for their historical value.

Bangor Jeffersonian Times - February 1858

Mrs. Hodson of Kenduskeag, who had been sick with a complication of dyspepsia [disturbed digestion] in its worst form, and a difficulty about the head, which had her utterly prostrated for two years, had been unable to walk a step or to be moved into an upright position without fainting.

Dr. Quimby sat with the sufferer. In two hours she rose from her bed without assistance and seated herself in a chair. She then sat up for an additional two hours. She has steadily improved and in time gained twenty pounds of flesh.

We have heard of other cases of remarkable relief. It is too late an hour for the cry of humbug, in Mr. Quimby’s treatment of disease.... People are beginning to inquire, Who and what is Dr. Quimby? By what strange agency does he cure disease which for years has baffled the skill of our most eminent physicians?

Evening Courier - September 1860

We have been told that the “Age of Miracles” is passed, but we have recently heard of several astonishing cures preformed by a Dr. P. P. Quimby, which seem to border on the miraculous. How these cures are effected, it is impossible to say, as no visible means are employed. The most obstinate cases of disease have been made to disappear at the mere will, it would seem, of the Doctor.

Having heard of a remarkable recovery, we called on the patient, an intelligent young lady, who stated to us her case, and the manner of her cure, the facts of which seem embodied, at our request, in the following letter. Regarding Dr. Quimby

Dear Sirs,

I have been sick since five years ago last July, having a great deal of pain in my back and limbs, caused by blue pills taken two years before. The physicians said the pills gave me a spinal disease. Very soon I was unable to walk, or even stand, and for months I was prostrate upon my bed and confined to a dark room, having neuralgia in the optic nerve, and painful dyspepsia, making me a great sufferer.

After being for two years in the care of my uncle and brother, both doctors, they decided medicine would not cure me, and took me to a Water Cure, at Hill, New Hampshire. The Water Cure physician decided there was no help for me there, concluding the spinal marrow was diseased.

Hearing of Dr. Quimby, I set out at once to see him. Arriving at the United States Hotel in Portland, on the morning of August 15th, I was carried up stairs in my wheel chair to my room.

Fifteen minutes after I saw Dr. Quimby, I was walking. I went downstairs to dinner (without assistance) and back to my room (again without assistance). That evening, I took a long walk of about forty steps with assistance. You will not wonder that I was wild with delight. I was like one risen from the dead. The second day I walked on the street sixteen rods (half a mile). On my sixth day I walked four miles and a half, and in less than two weeks I walked the four mile into Portland from Falmouth and returned.

My disease is entirely gone, my back is perfectly well, and I have no fears of a relapse.

Yours with much esteem,
F. C. B.
Williamstown, Vermont.

To this testimony we add that of Mr. Julius Dresser, who was restored to health by Dr. Quimby three months before. Since that time he has devoted himself to conversing with patients on Dr. Quimby’s Truth. Mr. Dresser saw Miss B. in her invalid condition, then walked and talked with her during some of the trips mentioned above. He learned the facts of her case first hand, and saw that she was perfectly restored to health.

Now, if this were a solitary case we might ascribe the cure to the imagination, as it is well known that imagination has worked wonders in this way. But this is but one of a number of equally remarkable cases which have occurred here in our midst, and witnesses stand ready to bear testimony to the facts.

One lady who had been severely afflicted with rheumatism, and for years was bent nearly double, a perfect cripple, unable to use her hands or feet, was in short time restored to health, and is now living, working evidence of the Doctor’s skill.

A gentlemen, a friend of ours, had for years been afflicted with a hip complaint. He had for a long time been confined to his bed, and was brought so low his physicians had given up, with the intimation he could live but a few days. It was purposed to him to call in Dr. Quimby. This the gentleman objected strenuously to, being bitterly opposed to anything like humbuggery, and Dr. Quimby he considered “one of the biggest of humbugs. His wife, however, insisted on calling in Dr. Quimby

Quimby visited him -- and yesterday we met the patient on the street, going home to dinner, looking heartier than we have seen him for a long time. He considers himself entirely cured of the complaint. We told him people considered these cures as humbugs. “So did I,” was his reply, “but here I am, and if humbug can work such wonders, glory be to humbug, say I, and so say we!”

We might cite a dozen other cases, but we refrain. We have no other motive in mentioning these rare cures than to make our readers acquainted with the remarkable phenomena. We have but a slight acquaintance with Dr. Quimby, and have no interest in publishing his astonishing cures to the world. We have mentioned them as affording matters of curious speculation. We must confess there is something about them more than our philosophy ever dreamed of.

Free Press - Lebanon, New Hampshire 1856

Just at the present time there is a good deal said about Dr. Quimby, of Portland, and it may not be considered amiss to mention the case of a young lady of this town who has been greatly benefited by him. For nearly three years she has been an invalid-- a great part of the time confined to her bed. She never left her room unless carried out by her friends. A few weeks ago she heard of Dr. Quimby, and resolved to visit him. She did so, and after remaining under his care four days she returned home free from all pain and disease, and is now rapidly regaining health and strength.

The reputation of Dr. Quimby as a man who cures diseases has extended. The increasing respect and confidence of the public in his success suggests the day of miracles. He effects his cures without the aid of medicine or outward applications, and his practice embraces cases like the above, where all ordinary treatment has failed to relieve.

It is impossible in a brief communication to do anything like justice to Dr. Quimby’s Truth. Enough has been said to separate him from quacks and imposters. The case cited above is not a solitary instance of his skill in practicing his science, and his increasing popularity with all classes shows that the confidence of the public is not misplaced.

Having heard that Quimby had restored a woman who had been dumb, an interested reader wrote to the paper the results of an investigation he had been prompted to make concerning this cure. The patient being a daughter of Capt. Blodgett of Brooksville.

She had been suddenly deprived of her speech two years before. No cause was known, and the fact excited a melancholy surprise in herself. She had not been sick, nor had any trouble of mind or body been known to have produced the speechlessness.

One evening her speech was observed to be slightly impaired. She retired as usual, and on waking in the morning she was utterly speechless. From that time she had not uttered an audible word. One physician attributed the cause to a sort of paralysis of the vocal organs. The best medical aid had been sought to no avail.

She is now in full possession of her former powers of speech.

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So, How Can My Abilities Benefit You?

Whether it’s a long term illness, a problem at work or in a relationship or something rather new, there’s always hope. When I think about your situation, I see inside the issue and I see what caused it.

As I continue to focus, I silently ask, “What contributed to the problem?” Within seconds I get impressions and brief sentences.

It’s similar to hearing a radio commentator or watching a movie unfold with scenes surrounding the incident. Continued focus while silently asking questions about recovery will get the movie to move forward and I begin to see or hear what needs to be done.

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The free Medical Intuitive appointment will give you some of your answers. We can use the time to discover the cause of your discomfort and what direction to take.

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Sarah Meredith ~ Jessica Meredith

Medical Intuitive - Distance Healer - Quimby’s Method
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Problem with the Body

When I hear a patient’s symptom, if it’s physical, I see the part of the body in trouble. I’d see how the organ involved is behaving. For example I may see that the Ileocecal valve is allowing material to flow back into the small intestine.

To the client I’d explain, “There’s a little valve between your small intestine and colon. It’s weakened. It’s allowing food to back up and reenter your small intestines.” If I continued to ask myself questions, I’d know what that body needed to strengthen the valve.

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Naoko was living in Tokyo when she sent an email with the hope we could help her. She was looking for a miracle.

Her life had become the four walls of her bedroom. She could not get out of bed. Both her legs were bent abnormally at the knee. They’d turned out in opposite directions. Looking down, she said her legs looked like a frog’s.

I saw that she was being poisoned by canned foods. I advised her to stop eating anything if it came from a can. I gave her a list of fresh foods and shipped certain supplements to get the poisons out of her body.

It was 4 months before I heard from her again. She e-mailed to say “Thank you”. She said it took her 3 months to get the poison out and her legs back.

While bedridden she was able to support herself translating English books into Japanese for an author. Able to walk, she wrote that she was even able to take the subway to and from her new higher paying job.

Problem with a Non-Physical Issue:

Best described by what it is not, these particular healing sessions give no medicines, vitamins, herbs, bodywork, adjustments, massages, and touching.

Many times a disease and/or a person’s discomfort is caused by an opinion of something untrue that they started to believe. Usually it’s that they were not in control of what was happening. Just before they started to believe that, they had a choice whether to believe that or not. When they chose to believe it, their situation changed for the worse.

During our ‘visit’ I’ll ask a specific set of questions in order to cause their mind to recall the choice. Changing the mind while remembering the specific choice will change the outcome. This change will shift and heal present day conditions.

We’ve been able to solve various problems with: Relationships, Career, life, Family, Finances, Health, Personality, Failing, Learning, Assets, etc.

Referrals Out :

If I’m not able to help you, I’ll usually know who or which branch of the healing arts will. Often, I’ll know the exact name and location of a doctor, therapist or healer to refer you to.

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The Lamborghini Of Healing

One hundred twenty-five health care professionals were given an opportunity to observe the dramatic results of one of my Sessions.

As the result of a shower glass door accident, Lisa Franklin spent the evening in an emergency room. She required 8 stitches. Lisa’s husband was one of the professionals scheduled to attend my demonstration the next morning. He called to ask if I would use his wife for one of the demonstrations and relieve her pain.

“Of course, I’d love to do it provided she can remain drug free for the demonstration,” I said.

The next morning she arrived, pale from pain and cupping her elbow. She held her hand up to avoid an increase of blood flow and pain. I asked her forward to sit on the tall bar stool at the front of the room.

Five of the doctors were asked to examine her hand. It was a puffy, red, swollen mass with four, thick black X’s where the emergency room doctor had put in the stitches. Their conclusion, her hand was typical of one that had suffered a deep cut within the previous 18 hours.

I stood beside her so the audience could watch. Thirty minutes into the session, Lisa didn’t seem to notice (but the audience did) that she’d put her hand down as she started laughing. An hour later, still not touching her, I asked if her hand hurt.

She looked bewildered, as if she’d forgotten why she was sitting in front of the audience of 125 doctors. At first she gently felt her injury. Then she poked it. What she did next surprised even me. She slammed it against the edge of the stool several times. She looked a little confused and said, “There’s no pain. It doesn’t hurt at all.”

The doctors re-examined her hand. There was no sign of an injury; just four black X’s. The skin showed no sign that it had been pulled back together. No puffiness. No redness. No thin red line.

Dr. Russell Loveland, a Chiropractor in practice for over twenty years, was in the audience.

“The first time that I heard there was someone
who knew how to heal using logic alone, I knew
they had something. After that demonstration,
I realized that this method is the Lamborghini
of Healing.”

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Schedule a Free Appointment

Sarah Meredith ~ Jessica Meredith

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**Disclaimer: Results may vary from person to person. Neither Sarah Meredith nor Jessica Meredith is any kind of doctor. They are both Medical Intuitives. They claim no formal training in psychology or medicine. Neither diagnose or treat disease. Having discovered and developed their own brand of alternative health care and healing, neither holds a special license in any field. Both offer their services based solely on their skill, what they see and what they feel through their intuitive. They make no verbal or written warranty on the effectiveness of their program on your condition. Using their services does not replace or substitute for available medical or alternative health care services.

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